What are microgreens?
Microgreens are incredibly young plants that are (mostly) harvested before their first true leaves develop. They're full of vitamins and antioxidants and are a great way to add colour, flavour and nutrition to any meal.
Box fresh
Each box of microgreens is produced from the finest seeds in peat-free compost and is usually harvested around two weeks after sowing – you can’t get fresher.
And as for the box itself, we use compostable boxes and labels. They're made with paperboard, cellulose and a water-based lining, which means that they can be commercially composted along with your food waste after use (just pop them in your council food waste bin and they'll do the rest.)
Small but mighty
Microgreens contain a whole lot of nutrition in each little plant!
Our microgreens are produced from top quality seeds in peat-free compost.
They’re grown in Weston-super-Mare with free local delivery!
Order your microgreens soon
Annie's Microgreens will be available from summer 2023. Ordering will be simple, and prices are to follow shortly. To keep up to date with progress, be sure to follow us on Instagram @anniesmicrogreens